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A huge fixed-winged solar-powered drone that can act as a mobile cell tower from 62,000 feet high has taken to the skies. The idea behind it all is that airborne cell towers would allow greater network coverage, and could also move to areas that need a signal. With this in mind, developers have been attempting to get such a concept to work. Since the aircraft would have to be in the air at all times, renewable energy has been explored, and now Alphabet – Google’s parent company – and Japanese tech giant SoftBank have now tested the solution. The Sunglider aircraft successfully took to the skies and ran a stable LTE connection that allowed people to connect to an online meeting. It is impressive that this project has been a success, as it is a pilotless craft that relies on solar power. Furthermore, the project was only announced in April 2019. With that in mind, this has been a rapid process that could result in exciting new possibilities in creating green aircraft that can provide high-speed internet anywhere in the world.
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09.10.2020 (1314 days ago)